Hello all,
Last week, I forgot to send out a review of our meeting. I'll review it
here, as well as the most recent meeting.
*Last Week, 11/06:*
We read through section 1.1, focused on manifolds. We addressed questions
about the requirements, definitions, and properties for these structures,
and worked out some examples.
*This Week, 11/13:*
We read through section 1.2, covering Groups. We talked about the
distinction between left and right actions, and worked an example showing
the difference. We provided intuitive examples illustrating
direct/semi-direct products, commutativity, and the commutator of two group
*Next Week, 11/20:*
Read section 1.3, which applies Groups to rigid bodies. Work on the
examples, and bring any questions you have!
Have a good weekend,
Capprin Bass
Oregon State University