[This email originated from outside of OSU. Use caution with links and attachments.] Hi Michael, Thank you for your email, it seems the systems went down yesterday. It seems resolved now, I'm not sure what the actual issue was but I expect it's related to deployments that Nii made on Saturday. As soon as he's available we'll look into it further to prevent it from happening again. Kind regards, Rick Hagenaars TAHMO Project, Faculty CiTG, TU Delft, Stevinweg 1, 2628CN, Delft The Netherlands T (M) +31(0)645833496 E-mail: h.f.hagenaars@tudelft.nl or rhagenaars@tahmo.org ________________________________ From: Rainqc-jobman <rainqc-jobman-bounces@engr.oregonstate.edu> on behalf of Slater, Michael <slater@oregonstate.edu> Sent: Monday, September 25, 2023 3:13:35 AM To: RainQC Job Manager Subject: Re: [Rainqc-jobman] TAHMO datahub down? Hi, looks like the jobs aren’t able to run as the datahub.tahmo.org alias appears to be down. I tried a few different endpoints and got the following error: Error: Couldn't connect to server Note that accessing the Kubernetes cluster directly works. However, accessing RainQC is not working. The API gateway (sensordx.tahmo.org) may not be working and/or RainQC may be impacted by the datahub.tahmo.org alias not working. --ms