Oct 22nd 5-6pm in Johnson 221

Radiant Industries Info Session- hiring interns and full time positions- FREE FOOD

Register now

Radiant is a clean energy startup building Earth’s first mass-produced nuclear reactors. A climate-friendly alternative to diesel generators, Radiant's Kaleidos 1MW microreactor will be the world's first portable, zero-emissions power source that works anywhere. We plan to test our development reactor by 2026 and if successful, it will be the first new commercial reactor design to achieve a fueled test in over 50 years. Our microreactor can bring power to remote parts of the world and provide backup power for life-saving applications in hospitals or disaster-relief scenarios.

Hiring these Majors: Nuclear Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Computer Engineering (open to math, physics as well)  and other engineering majors.


Shikha Kumar, Nuclear Engineer, OSU alum BS Nuclear Engineering 2020

Kyle Bradley, Senior Software Engineer



Josefine Fleetwood (She/Her), Employer Relations Manager

Oregon State University  | College of Engineering  

School of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering  

School of Nuclear Science and Engineering  

Department of Biological and Ecological Engineering

116 Johnson Hall  - Room 112

