HKN cohosts Intel @ Engineering is Everywhere

Oct. 17 @ 5 pm | Johnson 102 + Zoom | | Register on Handshake  

Intel will be sharing about the company during this info session. They will offer insight into Intel's internships and full-time openings, share about company culture and more.  FOOD


Intel Day – In-person

Oct. 18  @ 10 am – 2 pm | KEC 1007 | Register:

The special in-person info sessions are followed by opportunities to meet with a representative to answer your questions. Like all company days, Intel Day is an opportunity to connect one-on-one with industry professionals. Dress business casual. Elevator pitches and resumes welcome!


Naval Nuclear Lab Day – In-person

Oct. 21 @ 11-2:30 | KEC 1007 | Register for quick session:

Naval Nuclear Laboratory is hiring AI, CS and ECE – plus a lot of other majors. The application/hiring process for this organization is different. The representatives can explain how it works at the session. Alumni will be there to answer your questions. This organization has good benefits, values diversity and inclusion, and work/life balance. CITIZENSHIP REQUIRED.


HKN cohosts Naval Nuclear Lab @ Engineering is Everywhere – open to all majors

Oct. 21 @ 5:00 | KEC 1007 | | Register on Handshake

Engineering is Everywhere and Webinar Wednesdays (which happen on other days of the week) are a series to talks to help students jump start their career in high tech. This employer will be sharing about life at their organization and some of the impactful work they do. CITIZENSHIP REQUIRED.




Josefine Fleetwood (She/Her), Employer Relations Manager

Oregon State University  | College of Engineering  

School of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering  

School of Nuclear Science and Engineering  

Department of Biological and Ecological Engineering

116 Johnson Hall  - Room 112
