Hello all, Thanks to those of you that filled out the when2meet; based on everyone's responses, we'll be meeting at 10AM PDT every Tuesday. As much as I would enjoy meeting in person, I think it will be best to continue with the remote mode for this term; as such, the meeting link is below. Meeting Link: https://oregonstate.zoom.us/j/96296901909?pwd=OXd0K0FqOUpNNzV4cGx5R1AwRDFzdz... As a reminder, we'll be discussing Hatton and Choset, *Nonconservativity and Noncommutativity in locomotion: Geometric mechanics in minimum-perturbation coordinates*. You should all be able to access it through the university library website. In the interest of covering more content this term, I would like our first meeting to be *tomorrow, 09/28/2021*. Please read the material beforehand. I understand that this may be too soon for some; if that's the case, please reply to the group or email me personally, and we can wait another week. See you soon! Capprin Bass Laboratory for Robotics and Applied Mechanics basscap@oregonstate.edu If you're currently subscribed to this mailing list, but no longer find it relevant, you're welcome to unsubscribe <https://it.engineering.oregonstate.edu/mailman/listinfo/lram-reading>. You can rejoin at any time, especially if you want to learn more about Geometric Mechanics.