Humanitarian Engineering Updates Fall 2022

Greetings friends of humanitarian engineering, I'm delighted to announce that our ecampus certificate in humanitarian engineering was approved by the faculty senate last month. This online offering will allow us to expand our reach and our programming, and you can view the attached advising sheet for details. Once the certificate is added to the catalog, we'll be able to start promoting it in the Spring! Thanks to all of the faculty who have been working hard to develop their courses for the online platform. I'm excited to see the diversity in the students who will begin to participate. With that, we have two HEST offerings this winter on ecampus: HEST/ANTH 201 "Innovation for Social Impact" taught by myself (flyer attached), and HEST 320 "Engineering for Global Health Solutions" taught by Dr. Elain Fu. Please encourage your students to register for either if appropriate. In other news, humanitarian engineering will be a key them in the new "Design for Social Impact" program launching at OSU this Winter. An interdisciplinary undergraduate certificate was just approved by the senate that includes HEST/ANTH 201 as a core course, and a new general engineering major that incorporates significant arts and entrepreneurship content will be coming soon that offers humanitarian engineering as a specialty option. I'll share more details on that as they are available. We had some excellent applications for the Evans Family Fellowship this round. We were able to support student work with soil fertility in Chile and Oregon, sensor-based monitoring of household energy projects in Malawi, hydrology research supporting the Yakima Nation in Washinton, and participation in an OMSI science communication fellowship regarding work with more efficient wood heat in underserved communities in the Pacific Northwest. Another call for proposals will be sent out in early 2023. Finally, the College of Engineering web team has been working to update our website, so we'll have a sleek new interface with the world soon. You can get a sneak peek here: Please feel free to reach out anytime with questions and updates of your own, and have a joyful holiday season and relaxing break! Kindly, ~Nordica Nordica A. MacCarty, Ph.D. (she/her/hers) Associate Professor | Richard & Gretchen Evans Scholar of Humanitarian Engineering | School of Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering | Oregon State University Executive Director | Aprovecho Research Center Office: 312 Rogers Hall | Mailing: 204 Rogers Hall | Corvallis, OR 97331 | Office: 541.737.5927
participants (1)
MacCarty, Nordica