Dear Oregon State University community,

I hope you are having a great spring break! I'm Sam, a computer science graduate student at the University of Oregon with an interest in university finance and governance. I am writing to you because I am alarmed by our governor and state legislature.

Proposed budget cuts to higher education were unveiled last Thursday by the chairs of the legislature's budget writing committee. In practice, this will mean some combination of tuition hikes, pay freezes/cuts, and job losses in Oregon's university ecosystem. OSU will be impacted if the proposals are passed by the legislature.

Take action: Add your name to this letter, asking lawmakers to fund public universities instead of slashing the higher ed budget this next biennium.

All of higher education in Oregon -- from university and community college support to scholarships for underrepresented or economically disadvantaged students -- is currently slated to get around 3% of the state budget. Compare Oregon's 3% state budget allocation to post-secondary education with Nevada at more than 6%, Idaho at ~7%, Washington at ~8%, or Utah and California at just over 10%. In fact, Oregon is state #45 in the nation when it comes to its support of public universities on a per capita basis. This is embarrassing.

Take more action: reach out to lawmakers yourself. You can find who represents you by going to and clicking "Find your Legislator" on the sidebar on the right. Send an email or call your representative+senator.

Thank you for your time, and for getting involved. I firmly believe that our democratic republic is strongest when we the people constructively engage with our government.


Sam Schwartz

Samuel David Schwartz
PhD Candidate | Department of Computer Science