EECS Welcome to Spring 2021 and Important Deadline Reminders

Good afternoon, We hope your Spring 2021 term is off to a good start. We want to send you our personal greetings and well wishes along with some policy reminders and a few imminent deadlines. IMPORTANT SPRING TERM DEADLINES We have listed some important deadlines for the spring term. You can find an entire list of deadlines by accessing the online Academic Calendar<>. All submission deadlines are due by 11:55pm, Pacific Standard Time. Last day to add or drop a course and receive a 100% tuition refund (no W grade entered on transcript) 4/04/2021 Last day to add a class by Web with departmental approval 4/11/2021 Last day to Withdraw from a course and receive a 50% tuition refund (W grade entered on transcript.) 4/18/2021 Last day to Withdraw from Term (No Refund, W grade entered on transcript) International Students need to start the process 3-4 days prior to this date. 6/04/2021 1. Considering whether to drop a class or withdraw from the University? a. Please carefully go through the Drop/Withdraw from a Course<> information. b. Please contact your advisor before the drop and withdrawal deadlines. We need to go through the policy with you, and to make sure you know what your next steps are. Be aware that deadlines may fall on a Sunday, you will need to contact your advisor by 12pm on the Friday prior to the deadline. c. If you are asked to fill out a withdrawal from term survey while dropping a course, please fill out the survey. 2. Are you graduating this term? Congrats! You do not have to apply for graduation any more, but please check in with your primary advisor and be on the lookout for any emails from the graduation office. 3. Have you checked in with your primary advisor? If you need assistance with your schedule or planning, please schedule a Zoom appointment. You can schedule an appointment with an advisor here.<> 4. Please read your course syllabi and have all the technology required for the program. 5. Textbook information: In the meantime, please feel free to let your primary advisor know if you have further questions. Good luck starting your courses!
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