New Special Topics Course Fall term!

Good Morning! Our new professor, Zane Ma, will be offering a new special topics course this fall term. Empirical Computer Security will be offered as CS 499/CS 579. The syllabus is attached and a course description is below. "Empirical security research seeks to understand how computer security concerns manifest in practice. For instance, in 2017 NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) reversed their password recommendations after empirical research showed that their requirements actually led to more easily guessable passwords! This course explores recent research developments in applied security research across a wide range of computer security areas: computer networks, the web, social engineering, misinformation, malware, botnets, usable security, and emerging applications such as Internet of Things, smart cars, etc. This also a project-based course that will concurrently introduce students to the basics of security research. The instructor will work with students to identify a research problem (e.g., identifying new threats, developing security defenses), design experiments, collect data, and communicate findings through writing and presentation. In addition to teaching modern computer security, this course aims to prepare students for successful research careers, either in graduate school or industry." Sherry Barrett [cid:image001.jpg@01D987CD.3CF5AFC0]Program & Assessment Assistant CDADIC Program Assistant School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Oregon State University | 1148 Kelley Engineering Center Office Phone: 541-737-5556<>
participants (1)
Barrett, Sherry L