Spring Term Deadline Reminders

As we complete Week 2 of the term, we wanted to remind you of the following deadlines: The last day to withdraw with a 50% tuition refund is Sunday, April 18th. Any withdrawals made after April 18th will result in a 0% tuition refund. The last day to change the grading basis of a course is May 31st by 5:00pm (PST). As a reminder, courses that are needed for your major are not eligible for change of grade. Major courses must be completed with a letter grade. The last day to withdraw from a course with no refund is June 4th. Thank you, EECS Advising Team Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | College of Engineering<http://engineering.oregonstate.edu/> | Oregon State University<http://oregonstate.edu/> 1101 Kelley Engineering Center, Corvallis, OR 97331-5501 541-737-3617
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