Graduating this Term? Please read Email

If you are graduating this term, please review the following information: 1. Check your MyDegrees profile. Your MyDegrees profile will indicate whether or not you are on track to graduate at the end of the term. Contact your advisor right away if something doesn't look correct. 2. Feel free to double check with your advisor that you are on track to graduate at the end of the term. 3. Be on the lookout for any emails from the Registrar's Office about graduation and commencement. You do not need to apply for graduation. Graduation will occur as soon as you complete all of your requirements. Your diploma will be mailed to you through the Registrar's office. Instructions on how to do this can be found HERE.<> Click HERE<> to register for the OSU Commencement Note: If you are eligible to graduate, but do not want to (perhaps to take additional courses or participate in an internship) you will need to contact your advisor to arrange this. Thank you, EECS Advising Team School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Oregon State University | 1148 Kelley Engineering Center Schedule Advising Appointment here<>
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EECS Undergrad Info