Hi there - Intel is coming to the Kelley Engineering Center next week! They have multiple internships and full-time jobs available. Many openings start in summer 2023, although some start sooner. Intel Resume Review Day<https://events.oregonstate.edu/event/intel_resume_review_day> - In-Person Monday, Oct 10 @ 9-3 pm | KEC 1007 | 100 student appointments open Intel just doubled the number of representatives for the event. Most CS appointments are full, but there are openings for ECE BS/MS/PhD. Use the wait list to sign up. HKN hosts Intel<https://events.oregonstate.edu/event/hkn_hosts_intel_info_session> - In-Person + Virtual Monday, Oct. 10 @ 5 | KEC 1003 | Zoom<https://oregonstate.zoom.us/j/97738631045?pwd=NHg2MjY0azZXTVJmeWlxM0NkYmdJQT09> The HKN, the EECS honors society, is hosting an info session with Intel. Campus Relations Manager, Alan Wright will be sharing about best practices and taking questions on crafting resumes and applications - and how to navigate the hiring process. Interested in this employer - but no time to meet? Consider applying<http://register.eecs.oregonstate.edu/company_event_intel/views/job_postings.php> before the openings close. Kind thanks. Tina Batten | Corporate Relations School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Oregon State University <https://exmail.oregonstate.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=x0lJ7dSwMk_MyCLMz3tMw_TCFi9ak8m9xe9mP7xfFcq8JcJDIu3VCA..&URL=mailto%3atina.batten%40oregonstate.edu>
participants (1)
Batten, Tina