Undergraduate researcher position (adversarial machine learning)

Hi all, Prof. Raviv Raich and I are looking for a couple of undergraduate student researchers (hourly paid, $15/hour, up to 20 hours per week) for a cutting-edge project on adversarial machine learning (ML). The positions will remain open until filled. The hired students can start immediately. In this project, we aim to develop a robust machine learning approach for sensors-to-decisions systems (e.g., an autonomous driving system) in the presence of an adversary who falsifies the input data to alter the ML decisions. The tasks include: - Developing visualization techniques that provide a user with auxiliary information such that the user can be guided to make robust decisions in the presence of an attack. - Perform experiments to evaluate and validate the visualization techniques. Qualifications: - Knowledge of machine learning (past experience with a machine learning related project is a plus) - Experience in coding with Python (Experience in using PyTorch is a plus) Requirement: - Only US citizens are eligible This position is funded through the Naval Engineering Education Consortium (NEEC). Undergraduate students involved in the project will be given an advantage in applying for full-time/internship positions at Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane, Indiana or other suitable naval warfare centers nationwide. The hired students will be given several opportunities to collaborate/interact with researchers and engineers at NSWC Crane and other Navy warfare centers, who are eager to help the students pursue a career in the Navy warfare centers. We would like to provide this opportunity to those who can benefit the most from it. Please check the below link for more information about NSWC Crane: https://www.navsea.navy.mil/Home/Warfare-Centers/NSWC-Crane/ If you are interested in this position, please send your resume to Dr. Raich (raich@eecs.oregonstate.edu) and me (jinsub.kim@oregonstate.edu). Please feel free to reach out to us for any questions. Best, Jinsub Kim -- Jinsub Kim Asst. Professor, School of EECS, Oregon State University 3011 Kelley Engineering Center, Corvallis, OR 97331 Email: jinsub.kim@oregonstate.edu / Tel. 541-737-3304 Web: http://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~kimjinsu/
participants (1)
Kim, Jinsub