Important Deadline to Withdraw and S/U Reminder

Hello EECS Cohort, As we enter week 7 of the term, we wanted to remind you of the following deadlines: Last day to Change the Grading Basis (S/U) of a course (Bacc-core only) Friday, February 18 at 12pm (PT) Last day to Withdraw from course (No Refund Available) Friday, February 18 at 11:55pm (PT) Last day to Withdraw from Term Friday, March 11 at 11:55pm (PT) You can view a list of all important dates and deadlines on the OSU Academic Calendar<>. Please reach out to an advisor if you have any questions or concerns. For immediate access, you can attend our Virtual Drop-in Advising<> hours. Thank you, EECS Advising Team School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Oregon State University | 1148 Kelley Engineering Center Schedule Advising Appointment here<>
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