Intel India Oregon's Employee Resource Group is still looking for people interested in mock interviews and resume critiques. They are striving to get every interested student a spot, so this is a great opportunity. They hope to send interview times Wednesday night. Intel India OR – Student mock interviews Register now<https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fforms.office.com%2FPages%2FResponsePage.aspx%3Fid%3DiI3JRkTj1E6Elk7XcS4lXZAPzg3csZRJiBGpWEG1IEVUM1JaVjRGUzA1WThINzdBTTk1R0RCRFBPUi4u&sa=D&ust=1614327344634000&usg=AOvVaw18cf5CAgxNEGssCoBrGWCU> | Event: March 5 Intel India, an employee resource group is offering students mock interviews. Their resume critique and mock interview sessions are designed to help you better be prepared for interviews. This HKN event is open to everyone! Tina Batten | Corporate Relations School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Oregon State University <https://exmail.oregonstate.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=x0lJ7dSwMk_MyCLMz3tMw_TCFi9ak8m9xe9mP7xfFcq8JcJDIu3VCA..&URL=mailto%3atina.batten%40oregonstate.edu>
participants (1)
Batten, Tina