Welcome to Winter 2022 from Engineering Student Council- EECS Clubs!

Welcome to Winter 2022 from the Engineering Student Council The Engineering Student Council is organizing Cocoa and Clubs, a winter club fair for College of Engineering students to learn about new clubs and how they can get involved. Come grab hot cocoa and meet with over 25 clubs within the College of Engineering! Cocoa and Clubs is January 28th from noon-2pm at the Kelley Engineering Center Atrium. *Masks are required. We are featuring some EECS-specific clubs listed below. The Clubs are actively looking for new members and would be excited to have you join! OSU's ACM Club: Winter term is the perfect time to check out OSU's ACM Club as they prepare for the International Collegiate Programming Competition (ICPC), one of the world's most prestigious programming competitions. ICPC will be held Saturday, March 5th, and open to all undergraduate students. There are multiple divisions for different experience levels, and students compete in teams of 3 people. Stop by a weekly meeting, even if you don't yet have a team, and practice for the competition, as well as attend industry recruiting events. Meetings are Thursdays 5-6pm in KEC 1001 and provide free pizza! Sign up for our discord: https://discord.gg/QthWghc to stay tuned on our events. Lastly, visit our website<https://groups.engr.oregonstate.edu/acm/> or contact osu-acm-officers@acm.org<mailto:osu-acm-officers@acm.org> with any questions. Audio Engineering Club: We build and play with audio gear such as synthesizers, amplifiers and speakers! Our goal is to fill the gap between OSU engineering and audio technology. In the past we've built a sound bar, full sound system, modular synthesizer, and guitar pedals to name a few. If you have an audio project idea we can provide support and help fund it. Join us Sundays 10am-2pm in Dearborn 208 for free lunch and to make some noise! Join our Discord at https://discord.gg/fMp5vFVJbU and our website<https://sites.google.com/oregonstate.edu/osu-aec>. App Development Club: The App Development Club provides members with opportunities to practice App development and learn more about relevant topics. The club focuses on development for iOS, Android, and the web, and is open to working with many other platforms. We work on a term-long cycle, where we set the end of each term as a sprint and have members work on a group project that we present. It is very beginner-friendly. We also host weekly workshops which covers various programming tools, concepts, and technologies. If you're interested in joining the club, please check out our website<https://groups.engr.oregonstate.edu/esc/app-development-club>. GEEO: GEEO (Girls' Empowerment, Engineering, and Outreach) is an outreach club which aims to encourage K-12 students who identify as girls to pursue and engage in topics related to the STEM fields. Our club hosts virtual STEM camps, fundraisers, and panels to provide accessible science activities for young girls. We also host fun events for our own members to build a strong community. All majors and identities are welcome! If you're interested in joining or have any questions, please contact geeo.recruitment@qmail.com <mailto:geeo.recruitment@qmail.com> and feel free to follow us on lnstagram@geeoclub. OSUSEC: Interested in being involved in the cybersecurity community, join us at the Oregon State University Security Club. We are a group formed around a shared interest in cybersecurity, offering a hands-on experience in a variety of security topics. Join us in learning and exploring digital and physical security, forensics, OSINT, lock-picking, and more. OSUSEC participates in Capture The Flag (CTF) and Cyber Defense Competitions (CDC). We also run a weekly internal practice CTF competition called the CTF League, led by experienced members so you can hone your hacking skills and win awesome prizes! Feel free to hop in our events page<https://events.oregonstate.edu/event/osu_security_club_damctf#.Yem1s_7MJaQ> or webpage<https://groups.engr.oregonstate.edu/esc/osu-security-club> and hack along with us! Overclocking Club/IEEE: At Overclocking Club, we push the limits of computers by increasing their clock speed, which requires extreme thermal management solutions such as using liquid nitrogen to cool a CPU. We compete in global competitions and train new members. We also provide career development opportunities by sponsoring students to attend IEEE conferences liking Rising Stars. All majors are welcome, and we are happy to teach you if you don't have any experience yet! Contact Magnus L'Argent (Project Chair, largentm@oregonstate.edu ) or Rachel McAfee (Club Chair, mcafeera@oregonstate.edu) for more information.
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EECS Undergrad Info