Hello EECS Cohort, This is a friendly reminder that if you are in the second year of your EECS curriculum and you're interested in participating in two six month-long internships, then you might be eligible for the internship program known as MECOP<https://www.mecopinc.org/students> (Multiple Engineering Cooperative Program). This is an excellent opportunity to gain real work experience while developing your professional network. EECS students are in high demand for this program. The MECOP application is currently open and the deadline to apply is Sunday, April 3rd at 12am (PT). You can apply HERE<https://www.mecopinc.org/students/apply/forms>. We highly recommend that you make an appointment with your primary advisor to devise a detailed academic plan incorporating the MECOP timeline. Here are the Course Requirements<https://www.mecopinc.org/students/course-requirements> you need to complete before applying for MECOP. Please note, you can select one of the following paths: * Computer Science<https://s3.amazonaws.com/public.mecopinc.org/students/coursework/Oregon%20State%20University/Computer%20Science.pdf> (CS majors) * Electrical Engineering<https://s3.amazonaws.com/public.mecopinc.org/students/coursework/Oregon%20State%20University/Electrical%20Engineering.pdf> (ECE majors) * Computer Engineering<https://s3.amazonaws.com/public.mecopinc.org/students/coursework/Oregon%20State%20University/Computer%20Engineering.pdf> (ECE majors) Schedule an appointment with an advisor HERE<https://eecs.oregonstate.edu/current-students/undergraduate/advising/make-appointment> <http://eecs.oregonstate.edu/online-cs-students/current-students/advising/make-appointment-online-cs-advisor> . Thank you, EECS Advising Team School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Oregon State University | 1148 Kelley Engineering Center Schedule Advising Appointment here<https://eecs.oregonstate.edu/current-students/undergraduate/advising/make-appointment>