Jump Start our Internship and Job Search Webinar Wednesday @ noon Register<https://oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cuOOJuDSDuxqbYy> | Speaker Bio<https://engineering.oregonstate.edu/erich-white> | College of Engineering Career Center<https://career.oregonstate.edu/engineering> Erich White Assistant Director for the College of Engineering Career Development Center will be giving an overview of Handshake, and sharing how to leverage it in your search for an internship or job. Erich's office offers a variety of services designed to help you in your employment search. Registration required.<https://oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cuOOJuDSDuxqbYy> Bring your questions! Join the ResiSTORE – Your on-campus source for electronic components I want to volunteer<https://resi.store/getinvolved/> | Explore the ResiSTORE<https://resi.store/> | Speak to the manager<mailto:fishemal@oregonstate.edu> The ResiSTORE is a volunteer-run electronic component store located in Dearborn Hall. With a wide variety of stock, they likely have just what you need to complete your homegrown electronics project! Volunteer 1-2 hours/week. Why? Volunteers gain after-hours access to the store for your own projects, learn about electronics (from customers and fellow volunteers), help our community, and more. Volunteering is fun and easy – plus you can add it to your resume. And it’s so easy to sign up<https://resi.store/getinvolved/>. What’s new @ ResiSTORE? A new cashless ordering system is in the works, and they are hoping to create a ResiStore student club. Explore the EECS Portal Website<https://eecs.oregonstate.edu/eecs-student-portal> | Calendar<https://eecs.oregonstate.edu/industry-events-students> | Job Search<http://register.eecs.oregonstate.edu/Portal/views/search_posting.php> | Handshake<https://oregonstate.joinhandshake.com/> | Engineering SEE HUB<https://events.engineering.oregonstate.edu/see> For best success finding your dream job, start your search with these resources! Not sure where to start? Visit the College of Engineering Career Development Center<https://career.oregonstate.edu/engineering>. Interns + hires wanted Apple Software Engineer-Web iWork<https://jobs.apple.com/en-us/details/200252510/software-engineer-web-iwork?team=SFTWR> (Vancouver, WA) iOS or macOS Software Engineer - iWork<https://jobs.apple.com/en-us/details/200320780/ios-or-macos-software-engineer-iwork?team=SFTWR> (Vancouver, WA) Software Engineering Internship<https://jobs.apple.com/en-us/details/200253195/software-engineering-internship?team=STDNT> (Santa Clara Valley, CA) ARPA Technology-to-market summer scholars<https://arpa-e.energy.gov/career/job-opportunities#op-472906-technologytomarket-summer-scholars-summer-2022> Auburn Universities Computer Science and Software Engineering Faculty Openings<https://www.auemployment.com/postings/25633> Department of Energy 2022 Robotics Summer Internships<https://zintellect.com/OPPORTUNITY/DETAILS/EERE-ROBOTICS-2022>– Deadline Jan. 25 Idaho National Lab Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships<https://science.osti.gov/wdts/suli> – Deadline Jan. 12 Intel Data/Software Engineer<https://intel.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/External/job/US-Oregon-Hillsboro/Data-Software-Engineer-Intern_JR0195252> – After applying, email Eric Messenger<mailto:eric.r.messenger@intel.com> (hiring manager) your resume. NVIDIA Systems Engineer<https://nvidia.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/UniversityJobs/job/US-OR-Hillsboro/Systems-Engineer---New-College-Grad_JR1949276> (Hillsboro, OR) Okta Multiple openings<https://www.okta.com/company/careers/> Oregon State University Research project (paid student job) | Prof. Leigh Torres’ Group<https://mmi.oregonstate.edu/gemm-lab> | Project<https://mmi.oregonstate.edu/gemm-lab/granite-gray-whale-response-ambient-noise-informed-technology-ecology> | Project Description: We study gray whale foraging ecology (where, how, and what whales eat). While on survey in our boat looking for whales and when with whales at sightings, we have a depth sounder running in the boat that provides depth and echoes of backscatter that reflect zooplankton prey in the water column (often zooplankton that the whales eat). We record these echo data and save the daily files. I would like to work with a student to quantify the amount of zooplankton at each whale sighting by “summarizing” the echo data. These echosounder files have an .RSD extension, which we have collected every year since 2016, for about 30 days every year. These files need to be imported into Matlab or R, and then analyzed, quantified and compared. Undergraduate CS/Math Research Contractor Qualified assistance needed for update of the Laboratory for Robotics and Applied Mechanics’ robotics research codebase. Some original design assumptions are no longer valid, requiring new platform architecture and mathematical generalizations. This position will involve collaboration with a current graduate student, improving contractor understanding and ensuring future platform use. Required Skills / Courses: - Linear Algebra - Differential Equations - Application/software development - MATLAB (previous experience desired, but not absolutely necessary; in this case, student is expected to learn on the job) Involved mathematics: - Learning/Application of abstract algebra through the use of Lie Groups - Numerical methods for function evaluation, differentiation, and integration - Extension of 2D methods to higher dimensions Involved CS: - Strong modularization choices for existing and future code - Documentation with the intention of future use - Testing framework / code coverage with future stability in mind Send Resume/CV and relevant course list to Capprin Bass<mailto:basscap@oregonstate.edu>. Also include any additional interest in research, whether related to robotics, mathematics, or computer science. Radarfirst Jr. DevOps Engineer<https://www.thesiliconforest.com/oregon-tech-jobs/jr-devops-engineer> University of Oregon Instructor of Data Science<https://careers.uoregon.edu/en-us/job/528633/career-instructor-of-data-science-in-the-public-interest> – Deadline Jan. 13 USACE – Northwestern Division Internship<https://www.nwd.usace.army.mil/Careers/Hydropower-Internship-Program/> Very Good Ventures Multiple openings<https://verygood.ventures/careers> Whitman College Assistant Professor of Computer Science<https://whitman.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id=133> Connect on LinkedIn All EECS students are invited to join our EECS LinkedIn community! We are roughly 3000 members and growing. Join us at http://www.linkedin.com/groups/136054/ Go Beavs! Tina Batten | Corporate Relations School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Oregon State University