Chief Engineer wants to meet you @ Webinar Wednesday
by Tuesday
@ 7 pm | Event: Wednesday @ noon-1 pm | Website
Our special guests Jordan Fink, Chief Electrical Engineer and Oregon State alum Sean Brosig are presenting
and want to meet EECS students. This organization has an engineer-in-training program where you can learn on the job at the Hydroelectric Design Center at the Corps of Engineers. A background in hydro is not required.
Tech Talk Tuesday
Tuesday @ 11 am |
Zoom link |
This week Prof. Minsuk Kahng shares how visual analytics tools can help
machine learning practitioners explore deep learning models. Presented in partnership with the Technology Association of Oregon.
ACM-W & ACM host Tektronix
Tuesday @ 5 pm |
Join the club and a Tektronix Recruiter to learn more about Tektronix's goals, diversity, and new internship/job
Connect on LinkedIn
All EECS students are invited to join our LinkedIn community! We are over 2000 members and growing.
Join us at
Internships & Jobs
If you are looking for an internship or a job in the next 12-months, remember to visit these resources
for additional information: 1) EECS Portal,
and 3) Handshake.
Also consider making an appointment with the
College of Engineering Career Development Center
Also hiring:
Go Beavs!
Tina Batten | Corporate Relations
School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Oregon State University