Hi Everyone, We will resume our Security & Privacy Meetups on Fridays.Prof. Houssam Abbas will be organizing the meetups for the winter term. We will announce the speaker and other details *only* on Keybase going forward. Join the following team:https://keybase.io/team/osucybersec The first speaker for the winter term is Prof. Rakesh Bobba. Talk Details: Time: 3:00 — 4:00 PM PT Location [in person]: KEC 1003 [NOTE Room Change] Zoom Link: https://oregonstate.zoom.us/j/95152012560?pwd=cExEblpzL08vdG0rSnc2V3JXZU11dz... [Password: 756927] The details of the talks and speakers will be posted here: https://eecs.oregonstate.edu/security-privacy-meetups -------------- Title: Towards Usable and Practical Image Privacy Abstract: Today image hosting platforms are a popular way to store and share images with family members and friends. However, such platforms typically have full access to images raising privacy concerns. In this talk we motivate the need for image privacy protection techniques that preserve certain visual features in images while hiding other information, to balance privacy and usability in the context of cloud-based image storage services. We will explore privacy schemes that use cryptographic, adversarial perturbation and semantic perturbation approaches and discuss their pros and cons. Sibin Mohan. -------------------------------------------------- Associate Professor School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Oregon State University https://sibin.github.io/ sibin.mohan@oregonstate.edu [https://bolt.im/t/?xXZcmXM8UVnlFd_xaufOcvf461xjfDeI4-AVqjs3JThTEFS-yySg0S7ne...]