TUESDAY Webinar Tuesday: “Engineering is Everywhere with Siemens” Nov. 8 @ 4 pm | Register now<https://oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_abYIXb32XbuwOlo> | Seeking ECE + CS The webinar series designed to help you jumpstart your employment search returns Nov. 8 @ 4 pm with special guests Justin Stephens and Samantha Trunkett from Siemens. A VP may drop by too! This employer hires multiple interns – and full-time hires. Who is Siemens? Visit Siemen’s virtual booth<https://eecs.oregonstate.edu/company_page/siemens>. WEDNESDAY Tektronix Resume Review Day Nov. 9 @ 10 am - 2 pm | KEC 1007 | Register<http://bit.ly/TekResumeDay> | Apply<http://register.eecs.oregonstate.edu/company_event/tektronix/views/job_postings.php> | Seeking ECE + CS Tektronix is coming to the Kelley Engineering Center for a face-to-face resume review day. Appointments are 5-10 minutes with a representative (many of whom are alums). Who is Tektronix? Visit Tek’s virtual booth<https://eecs.oregonstate.edu/february_netnight/tektronix>. Have a beautiful weekend. Tina Batten | Corporate Relations School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Oregon State University <https://exmail.oregonstate.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=x0lJ7dSwMk_MyCLMz3tMw_TCFi9ak8m9xe9mP7xfFcq8JcJDIu3VCA..&URL=mailto%3atina.batten%40oregonstate.edu>