Dear students,


A friendly reminder - Intel is hosting resume review day in KEC 1007 on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday @ 10 am-3 pm. Alan Wright from Intel University Relations will be there to help.


Events are open to College of Engineering/College of Science students - and advertised on Handshake. Register for your appointment at Walk-ins welcome.


And don't forget - our honors club HKN is also hosting Intel's Webinar Monday at 5 pm in Weniger 149. Join the LIVE event in-person at Weniger - or tune in via the Zoom link.


Watch your email, and Handshake for more opportunities to meet industry.



Thomas Weller, Ph.D.

Michael and Judith Gaulke Chair in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Professor and Head, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

College of Engineering

Oregon State University

(541) 737-9287


Center for Research in Engineering Education Online (CREEdO) -

IMS Project Connect Organizing Committee -

Engineering for One Planet Supporter -