Webinar Wednesday with Cadwell 

Register by Tuesday @ 5 pm | Event: Wednesday @ noon-2 pm | Website 

Cadwell CEO (and Oregon State alum) Patrick Jensen presents. Be sure to preview the company's career site beforehand. This company is hiring and they are looking forward to meeting you. 


Spring Career Fair 

Wednesday @ noon – 3 pm 

The last career fair of the academic year is Wednesday on Handshake. This event is organized by the OSU Career Development Center. 


InternSHIFT Student Information Session 

Apply April 15-April 19 in Handshake 

The InternSHIFT Program will place a few students into full-time or part-time industry project opportunities this summer. Students will be hired directly by the company sponsoring the project (not by OSU).  


Understanding Technical and Management Engineering Career Track 

Register soon! | Event: Thursday @ 4 pm – 5:30 pm 

Join a panel discussion with engineers from Boeing, Intel, and Portland General Electric. Brought to you by the Leadership Academy.


Game Development Club: Game Jam 

Event: Friday @ 5 pm - Sunday @ 11:59 pm | Website  

A game jam is a hackathon centered around making a game based on a theme. To register, please join the club's discord server at https://discord.gg/bFHDkMrREu and introduce yourself in the channel #beaver-game-jam. Questions? Contact gamedev@oregonstate.edu. Join the fun. 


Job Shadow Program – Virtual 

Website | Apply before May 2 | Free event: 1 day during summer term 

Explore an industry, organization or specific position during a full or half-day experience. Follow your host(s) through their daily activities and learn what it’s like to work in that field. This a free and unpaid experience. 

Connect on LinkedIn 

All EECS students are invited to join our LinkedIn community! We are over 2000 members and growing. Join us at 



Internships & Jobs  

If you are looking for an internship or a job in the next 12-months, remember to visit these resources for additional information: 1) EECS Portal, 2) SEE Hub and 3) Handshake. Also consider making an appointment with the College of Engineering Career Development Center team. 

Go Beavs!  

Tina Batten Corporate Relations 

School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science 

Oregon State University