Preparing to meet a company  

Register by Tuesday @ 7 pm | Event: Wednesday @ noon-1 pm | Website 

This week, our EECS Director of Online Programs, Ben Brewster will review step by step what you should do to prepare prior to meeting a company. Prof. Brewster is an alum and former entrepreneur. 


Virtual TAO Job Fair  

Run the World Platform  | TAO Job Board | May 17 @ 11:30 am – 1 PM 

The Technology Association of Oregon (TAO) is hosting a job fair – and students are invited! Network virtually with companies hiring for current and future tech roles. Event runs on Run the World.  


Dam Distinguished – Recognize and celebrate 

Awards & Prizes | Nomination Forms due May 17 @ 11:59 PM
Despite a sudden transition to a remote environment, College of Engineering clubs helps students find community, participate in engaging events, and explore their academic and career interests. Dam Distinguished is an award ceremony to celebrate the achievements and impact of clubs, individuals, and faculty advisors within the College of Engineering. Winners and nominators will receive a monetary prize. Winners will be revealed at the 2021 Undergraduate Engineering Expo.  


Oregon Diversity Career Symposium: Own your own story 

Website | Register on Handshake | May 19 @ 1 – 6 pm 

This event is designed to help students from marginalized identities including first-generation students, veterans, non-traditional students, LGBTQIA+, students of color and women. 


Connect on LinkedIn 

All EECS students are invited to join our LinkedIn community! We are over 2000 members and growing. Join us at 


Be part of a user study 

One of our researchers needs volunteers who are: 1) 18 or older, 2) proficient in English, and 3) who are using or have used an IoT applet (connection of at least two smart devices/services e.g. Alexa-TV connection). The researchers hope to identify potential privacy and security violations in IoT devices and apps. Contact Turgay Caglar: Participation involves at most 1 hour of your time. Those who complete the study receive a $20 Amazon gift card. 

Internships & Jobs  

If you are looking for an internship or a job in the next 12-months, remember to visit these resources for additional information: 1) EECS Portal, 2) SEE Hub and 3) Handshake. Also consider making an appointment with the College of Engineering Career Development Center team.  

Also hiring: 

Go Beavs!  

Tina Batten Corporate Relations 

School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science 

Oregon State University