Tektronix Office Hours in KEC 1007– Stop by!
Nov. 15 @ 10 am – 2 pm | Apply | KEC 1007| Register on Handshake | Seeking ECE + CS | BS + MS
Appointments are 5-10 minutes. Drop-in appointments available. Who is Tektronix? Visit Tek’s virtual booth. They are hiring a LOT of interns, and there are openings for full-time. Stop by with a resume and bring your questions.
Coffee with EECS
Nov. 16 @ 10 am – 11 am | KEC 1005
Have questions, concerns or suggestions for the School of EECS. Share them with the EECS leadership team over coffee. The coffee’s free.
ACM-W hosts Webinar Thursday with Lucid Software
Nov. 17 @ 6 pm | KEC 1007 | Zoom
Brian Cross presents an overview of his company and their opportunities. They are looking for: 1) Software Engineering - Full time and Internships; 2) QA Specialist; and 3) Product Manager Internships. Lucid Software has been rated one of the best places
to work, both globally and regionally. You’ll want to be in the room if you can – there will be prizes!