12 Jan
12 Jan
6:56 p.m.
Webinar Thursday – Career Prep 101 with Fast Enterprises THURSDAY @ noon | Website<https://engineering.oregonstate.edu/EECS/myeecs/eecs-student-portal/webinar-wednesday> | Zoom<https://oregonstate.zoom.us/j/96971602282?pwd=QUx2THBTSW5BeGRvYkRDS2JZb3J4QT09> | Guest speaker Kaie McKay<https://www.linkedin.com/in/mckaykatie/> at Fast Enterprises<http://register.eecs.oregonstate.edu/feb_netnight/views/company_details.php?id=20> will share the basics every student needs to know. Katie will provide an overview with info on the essentials: 1) effective job searches, 2) resume building, 3) making the career fair meaningful, and 4) interviewing!