Dear Students,
The School of EECS is excited to announce a new service brought to you by the undergraduate advising team. Beginning this term, we will be providing optional advising workshops throughout the academic year. These workshops cover a variety of informative advising topics. You are welcome to attend all workshops that you find interesting. Workshops are offered via Zoom and on the Corvallis campus.
You do not need to register for a session. However, we will be taking attendance at the sessions so please bring a device with internet access.
You might be able to get your PIN for winter registration by attending a workshop. Check the email you received about getting your winter PIN to see if you can receive it by attending a workshop.
Workshop |
Description |
Location |
Day |
Time (Pacific) |
AMPed Up – Accelerated Masters Program and Graduate School |
We will discuss the advantages of the Accelerated Masters Program and other graduate program topics. |
Nov 28 |
4:00-4:50pm |
KEC 1001 |
Nov 16 |
1:00-1:50pm |
Picking a CS Option |
Students completing the 4-year CS program have three Options to choose from. We will be comparing these three options to help you decide. |
Nov 30 |
9:00-9:50am |
KEC 1001 |
Nov 16 |
9:00-9:50am |
CS – Applied Option Focus Areas |
We will cover the focus areas in the Applied Option. We will also discuss how to create your own custom focus area. |
Nov 15 |
9:00-9:50am |
CS – Cybersecurity Option |
We will cover the new Cybersecurity Option degree requirements. |
Nov 17 |
1:00-1:50pm |
Ecampus CS Post-Bacc Overview |
We will cover the degree requirements for the Ecampus CS Post-Bacc program. |
Nov 17 |
2:00-2:50pm |
CS – Systems Option |
We will cover the Systems Option degree requirements. |
Nov 29 |
1:00-1:50pm |
KEC 1001 |
Nov 16 |
10:00-10:50am |
DAM Successful – EECS Student Resources |
We will provide tips on how to access resources to ensure your success in the program. |
Nov 28 |
1:00-1:50pm |
KEC 1001 |
Dec 4 |
1:00-1:50pm |
Degree Planning 101 |
We will show you how to use advising resources to keep you on track to graduation. |
Nov 28 |
11:00-11:50am |
KEC 1001 |
Nov 29 |
3:00-3:50pm |
ECE Curriculum Overview |
Come to learn more about the current ECE curriculum. |
Nov 28 |
10:00-10:50am |
KEC 1001 |
Dec 4 |
12:00-12:50pm |
Graduation vs Commencement |
We will discuss the differences between these topics and show you how to conduct your own graduation check. |
Nov 30 |
2:00-2:50pm |
We will discuss the MECOP application process, timeline and requirements. |
Nov 14 |
9:00-9:50am |
Where to Start? Involvement, Research, and Internships |
We will provide an overview of these options and the importance of getting engaged. |
Nov 30 |
1:00-1:50pm |
KEC 1003 |
Nov 29 |
9:00-9:50am |
We hope you find these workshops information and look forward to seeing you.
Advising Team
School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Advising
Oregon State University |
1148 Kelley Engineering Center
Office Phone: 541-737-3617
Need to speak to an advisor today? Check-out our
drop-in advising hours