Welcome to Week 2 of Summer term!
We hope your term is off to a good start. Below are some reminders for support resources.
Academic Success Center (ASC): For assistance with all topics related to academic success, individualized coaching in time management,
and study skills.
Advising appointments: We are now offering both remote and in-person appointments.
Drop-in Advising:
available Monday-Friday @ 10:30am-11:30am and 3:30pm-4:30pm.
Student Experience Resources: For a full list of OSU student resources.
Canvas and Tech Support: If you are having technical issues, please check
here to either troubleshoot or find contact information for technical support.
Career Services: Find links to help you with your career search (Handshake), resume building (Vmock), and interview practice
EECS Career Resources: Career networking calendar, newsletter, upcoming events.
Disability Access Services: For academic accommodations.
Learning Corner: For more study tips from the ASC.
MECOP: The Multiple Engineering Cooperative Program (MECOP), is a paid internship program
where students participate in two six-month long internships with industries partnered with the MECOP organization. The program is competitive, but once in the program, students are paired with a mentor who will give them constructive feedback and guidance
throughout their experience. Applications for admission into the program will open in winter term. Check in with an advisor for more information and to see if you
are on track to apply.
If you are a Ecampus student here are a few additional resources:
Ecampus Success Coaching: Work with success coaches and receive academic counseling to help you
improve your academic skills. This is a multi-meeting process to help coach you on your academic performance.
You can find more Ecampus resources for students
If you need assistance and your advisor is not available, feel free to reach out to another advisor or this general email account:
We are here for you! Let us know if you have questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Advising Team
School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Advising
Oregon State University |
1148 Kelley Engineering Center