Webinar Wednesday – Survive your first year on the job!
Register for Jan. 19
Recruiter Katie McKay presents
“First year on the job – survival guide.” Katie works at Fast Enterprises – ranked
as one of the "Best Places to Work" by Forbes. This company hires CS majors.
Garmin Day is Thursday
Jan. 20 @ 3:00 – 5:00 |
Register Now
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company hires ECE and CS majors for internships and for full time jobs. Hear from representatives share a “Day in the Life at Garmin" at 3 pm, followed by individual appointments. All EECS students – even first-year students are welcome. (Garmin is also
highly ranked by Forbes on their "Best Place to Work" list.) Many of these Garmin reps are former OSU students -- and they want to talk with you!
Share Your Thoughts – and You Might Win!
the survey - be entered into raffle for two $10 gift cards
The Engineering Student Council is a student-run organization working to coordinate and support the activities of engineering student organizations. They promote student voice and are
gathering feedback from students on how the School of EECS is meeting student needs. Feedback collected
anonymous survey will help the ESC Student Advisory Board better understand student concerns.
Two $10 gift cards will be raffled off to participants.
National Labs & Government Agencies Virtual Career Fair
Jan. 19 @ 4:00-6:00 |
Overview |
on Handshake
Learn about entry-level positions and internship opportunities at national laboratories and research centers. This virtual event is free and open to all STEM students (first year-grad
students and recent graduates) – and is a great place to meet employers, discover new career opportunities, and make an impression!
Interns + hires wanted
EECS Portal
| Calendar
| Job Search
| Handshake
| Engineering SEE HUB
Feeling overwhelmed or struggling with your employment search? Consider
making an appointment with a Career Advisor.
Software Engineer-Web iWork
(Vancouver, WA)
iOS or macOS Software Engineer - iWork
(Vancouver, WA)
Software Engineering Internship
(Santa Clara Valley, CA)
Technology-to-market summer scholars
Auburn Universities
Computer Science and Software Engineering Faculty Openings
CUNY Visualization and Virtual Reality Lab
VR-REU: Research Experience for Undergraduates in Immersive 3D Visualization
– Feb. 18
Department of Energy
2022 Robotics Summer Internships– Deadline Jan.
Florida Atlantic University
March 8
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sianai – Ma’ayan Laboratory, Computational Systems Biology
Summer Research Program in Biomedical Big Data Science –
Deadline Feb. 1
Data/Software Engineer
– After applying, email
Eric Messenger (hiring manager) your resume.
Internet of Things for Precision Agriculture
Summer Research for Undergraduate Experience (REU) –
Feb. 15
Michigan State University College of Natural Science
Advanced Computational Research Experience –
Feb. 4
Postdoctoral Fellowship Program at MIT’s Computer Science
and AI Lab (CSAIL)
Research Experience for Undergraduates – Feb. 1
Oden Institute for Computational Engineering & Sciences
Moncrief Undergraduate Summer Internship Program –
Feb. 1
Systems Engineer
(Hillsboro, OR)
Multiple openings
Oregon State University
Research project (paid student job) |
Prof. Leigh Torres’ Group |
| Project Description: We study gray whale foraging ecology (where, how, and what whales eat). While on survey in our boat looking for whales and when with whales at sightings, we have a depth sounder running in the boat that provides depth and echoes of backscatter
that reflect zooplankton prey in the water column (often zooplankton that the whales eat). We record these echo data and save the daily files. I would like to work with a student to quantify the amount of zooplankton at each whale sighting by “summarizing”
the echo data. These echosounder files have an .RSD extension, which we have collected every year since 2016, for about 30 days every year. These files need to be imported into Matlab or R, and then analyzed, quantified and compared.
Undergraduate CS/Math Research Contractor
Qualified assistance needed for update of the Laboratory for Robotics and Applied Mechanics’ robotics research codebase. Some original design assumptions are no longer valid, requiring new platform
architecture and mathematical generalizations. This position will involve collaboration with a current graduate student, improving contractor understanding and ensuring future platform use.
Required Skills / Courses:
- Linear Algebra
- Differential Equations
- Application/software development
- MATLAB (previous experience desired, but not absolutely necessary; in this case, student is expected to learn on the job)
Involved mathematics:
- Learning/Application of abstract algebra through the use of Lie Groups
- Numerical methods for function evaluation, differentiation, and integration
- Extension of 2D methods to higher dimensions
Involved CS:
- Strong modularization choices for existing and future code
- Documentation with the intention of future use
- Testing framework / code coverage with future stability in mind
Send Resume/CV and relevant course list to
Capprin Bass.
Also include any additional interest in research, whether related to robotics, mathematics, or computer science.
Jr. DevOps Engineer
Rosetta Commons
Research Experience for Undergraduates
– Deadline: Feb. 1
Research Experience for Undergraduates in Imaging Sciences –
Deadline Feb. 1
Dept. of Energy
EERE-Robotics –
Deadline. Jan. 25
Very Good Ventures
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