REU POSITION "Web-Based REPL Framework" We are offering up to two paid REU (research experience for undergrads) positions in the intersection of the areas web development and programming languages. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: September 30, 2021 BACKGROUND INFORMATION In the context of a CS education project we have recently developed the BoGL language. https://bogl.engr.oregonstate.edu/ The current implementation provides a web-based integrated editor and interpreter that uses a REPL as a back-end server. https://bogl.engr.oregonstate.edu/technical/website.html The goal of this project is to generalize this implementation so that it becomes easy to plug in different language REPLs together with optional pre- and post-processing tools for the programs and interpreter input/output. The implementation should be done in Elm. https://elm-lang.org TASKS The REU students' task is to design, implement, and document a web-based editor/REPL interface for different languages in Elm. REQUIREMENTS Students who satisfy the following requirements are encouraged to apply. - Oregon State University computer science sophomore, junior, or senior - Minimum GPA of 3.0 - Availability for approximately 10 hours per week during the academic year and optionally 240 hours during the summer - Thorough understanding of the material learned so far, reflected by excellent grades in the classes relevant for this project (CS 261 for sophomores, and CS 381 for juniors and seniors) - Strong background in functional programming - Good communication skills - Responsible and reliable We specifically encourage female students and students from underrepresented minorities to apply. HOW TO APPLY Please send your CV by email (by September 30, 2021) to: erwig@oregonstate.edu NOTE: Please include the information about: - Your grades in the classes CS 261, CS 381, CS 321, and CS 325 that you have taken so far - Your experience in programming in Haskell and/or Elm (or similar languages)