Hi there - Hope your week is going well! Just a friendly reminder, registration is closing for these employer events.

Jan. 11 @ 5 – CBEE Club & HKN host Intel @ Webinar Thursday

+ Learn about life working in a fab at Intel.

+ Live streamed and recorded.

+ Register on Handshake. Details at https://bit.ly/EECSWebWed


Only Ecampus CS BS students

+ Hear from people working in industry.

+ Learn about employers, get career advice and/or do a mock interview.

+ Get your questions answered by employers.


Jan. 17 – 1 hour + In-Person – Intel Group Sessions

ECE majors

+ Talking about careers in materials science at Intel.

+ Presenter does not hire CS.

+ In-person only. Sign up on Handshake for a session OR https://bit.ly/Intel24

+ Not everyone who registers will get an appointment. If this happens, go to another event.


Jan. 18 @ 10-2 - SEMI Professional Development Seminar

ECE/CS majors

+ Registration closes Friday. Sign up on Handshake.

+ Meet Intel, ADI, and a dozen other companies

+ Attend in person and meet representatives. Or catch the Zoom livestream on Webinar Thursday: https://bit.ly/EECSWebWed


Remember to check for EECS specific employer events at http://bit.ly/EECSCal and watch for COE employer events on the SEE Hub.


Wishing you a happy and healthy term.


Tina Batten Corporate Relations

School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

Oregon State University