Hi students,

We are looking for people to participate in a research study. The Data Interaction and Visualization (DIV) Lab at EECS has been developing new web-based interface prototypes for people to explore and analyze large-scale image datasets for machine learning, and we need your help to evaluate our prototypes.

You're welcome to participate if you are at least 18 years old and you have taken an AI, Machine Learning, or any related course that covers "classification" before.

Participation in this study involves:
- 90 min session of an in-person visit to Kelley Engineering Center, Room 2106
- Performing some tasks using our visual interfaces
- $20 Amazon gift card for your participation

If interested, please sign up for the study using this link: https://calendly.com/osudivlab/user-study

For questions, please contact Prof. Minsuk Kahng and the DIV Lab team by email at osudivlab@gmail.com. Thank you.


Minsuk Kahng
Assistant Professor
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Oregon State University