Week 2- Important Deadlines As we complete Week 2 of the term, we wanted to remind you of the following deadlines for Session 3, for deadlines in other sessions, please see Academic Calenda<https://registrar.oregonstate.edu/osu-academic-calendar>r : The last day to withdraw with a 50% tuition refund is Tuesday, July 6th. Any withdrawals made after July 6th will result in a 0% tuition refund. The last day to change the grading basis of a course is July 28th by Noon (PST). As a reminder, courses that are needed for your major are not eligible for change of grade. Major courses must be completed with a letter grade. The last day to withdraw from a course with no refund is July 28th. International students would like to take less than 12 credits? There is an Alternate Enrollment<https://internationalservices.oregonstate.edu/sites/internationalservices.oregonstate.edu/files/OIS/Student/Forms/alternate_enrollment.pdf> option available! Please contact your primary advisor for more information. Thank you, EECS Advising Team School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Oregon State University | 1148 Kelley Engineering Center Schedule Advising Appointment here<https://eecs.oregonstate.edu/current-students/undergraduate/advising/make-appointment>