THIS WEEK                                                  

CyberCorps: Start your cybersecurity career with the U.S. government 

Information session: April 4, 3:00-3:30 pm @  KEC 1114 | April 5, 9:00-9:30 am @ KEC 1005 

Learn more | Application Deadline April 15  

Start your cybersecurity career with the U.S. government. Attend an information session to learn about the scholarship and application requirements. This program provides scholarship packages for up to three years of support for cybersecurity undergraduate and graduate education. In return for their scholarships, recipients must agree to work after graduation for the U.S. government, in a position related to cybersecurity, for a period equal to the length of the scholarship.

CASS hosts Microsoft's Rikki Gibson Webinar Thursday - A day in the life of an open source language developer | April 6 @ Noon | Zoom Live  

Rikki is an amazing person with remarkable insight. You won’t want to miss this incredible and real-world look into a day-in-the-life of industry. Bring your questions to this ask-industry-anything session hosted by students from the OSU Center for Applied Systems and Software, and be prepared to learn about exciting developments happening in open source.  


Biomedical Engineering Career Panel | April 6 @ 6-8 pm | FOOD | Register in Handshake

Meet OHSU professors, industry speakers, graduate students and industry reps! Learn about their backgrounds, career paths, as well as opportunities available to you. 

PacificSource Company Day - We're hiring – Jobs + June Internships! 

April 7 | Live streamed Zoom: 11 am | 11:30 am | noon | 12:30 pm | Register on Handshake  

This is a special event with PacificSource’s VP of IT Martin Martinez and Laurie Stewart, Director of IT. Learn about a collaborative work culture seeking people who want to improve the lives of others – in Oregon and beyond. Seeking CS students wanting to make an impact. 



Register now! Career Boot Camp! April 11, 2023 | 6 – 7:30 pm | Johnson 221 | Register in Handshake
Resumes, job search and career fair information.  A fun, interactive event with career sessions to help you find your future internship or job! Lego prize raffle! Free food provided! All majors welcome!   


SEMI Professional Development Seminar | April 12 @ 10 am – 2 pm | KEC 1001 | FOOD + PRIZES | Zoom Live
Meet industry experts who want to help you connect with 10,000 jobs and internships you didn’t know existed! Open to all engineering and science majors. Come for the training and networking, inside info - and more.  


AGC Speaker Meeting with Cherry City Electric | April 12 | 6-7pm | Kearney Hall, room TBD | FOOD  


Blue Origin - For the Benefit of Earth! Come and learn! | Friday, April 14 | 12 – 1pm | Rogers 226 Register on Handshake 

CS Capstone Info Session I April 13 | noon | Weniger 153 | Register | Questions: 

Corvallis CS Juniors – This info session is for you. Learn more about Capstone options in computer science so you can make the choice that’s best for you. Complete this survey to let us know you'll be joining! We look forward to helping you plan for a productive and enjoyable senior project.   



Scholarship applications for GHC & SHPE now open | Apply by April 7 

The School of EECS is once again offering scholarships for students to travel to conferences in 2023. Scholarship applications for the Grace Hopper Conference and the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers National Conference are open.  


ECE/CS Pathways in EECS, a new course offered Spring 2023. This course will help you learn to market yourself to the right people, help you plan your EECS career, help with interview prep. 1 credit course, and it counts toward your degree as a technical elective credit. 



EECS Portal | Calendar | Handshake | Engineering SEE HUB | Engineering Career Center 

If you are looking for an internship or a in job in the next 12-months, start your search now. 


University of Missouri REU: Research on Prescriptive Analytics for AI-enabled Operations Engineering. More information: 

Federal Executive Board Campus Series 2023 | April 13-20-26 | On Handshake
Students and recent graduates are key participants in the future Federal workforce. To make a career in public service a reality, understanding the Federal employment process is vital. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the Federal Executive Boards (FEBs) present this three-session series. It is open to all students, recent graduates, and FEB Federal academic partners. The series explains the Federal application and hiring process to help students and recent graduates find internships and full-time jobs working in their career field and will help academic partners gain the information needed to help guide their students.
1. Navigating USAJOBS Thursday, April 13 @ 10:30 – 12:00 PM
2. Writing Your Resume for Federal Jobs April 20 @ 10:30 – 12:00 PM
3. Interviewing for Federal Jobs April 26 10:30 – 12:00 PM  


Multiple Engineering Cooperative Program (MECOP) | Application | Screening Questions Requirements | Deadline April 19 

An excellent opportunity to get real work experience while developing your professional network. MECOP requires two six month-long internships. Select one of the following paths: 1) Computer Science; 2) Electrical Engineering (ECE majors) or 3) Computer Engineering (ECE majors). 


University of California, Riverside- REU Experience the Full Data Science Pipeline through Research and Practice. Program dates: June 25 - August 20. Deadline: April 20 


Cornell Materials Science and Engineering | 1 year Master’s of Engineering program. Deadline May 1. 

Upperbound AI Conference | May 2023 Talent Bursary Application – Edmonton, Alberta Canada (like a travel scholarship) 

FBI Behavior Analysis Unit Research Fellowship | Details + Application | Questions: Competitive fellowships granted to six individuals through the FBI’s partnership with ORISE and can last up to five years. Seeking candidates with in computer science, cybersecurity, and human factors. Candidates have minimum 3.0, be able to obtain SECRET clearance, and be able to relocate to Quantico Virginia. 


FBI BAU Visiting Scientist Program: Designed for recent graduates with a MS or PhD wanting experience in government research. Work in a high security government facility and provides an opportunity to perform research in behavioral science areas that are of interest to law enforcement and national security. This paid, fulltime fellowship is annually renewed for up to five years. 


University of Houston – Computational Optimization and Smart Systems Lab REU Positions 

NSF Funded Research Experience for Undergraduate Research Assistants in summer 2023 | Details
$1,600/month for 3 months, from mid-May to mid-August. Requires U.S. Citizenship or Permanent Residency. Preferred background: 3D printing, robotics, mechatronics, or manufacturing automation. To apply, contact Dr. Weihang Zhu via email at with resumes and unofficial transcripts. Hiring immediately. 


NSF, USDA, and EPA-funded Doctoral Research Assistant Positions | Details | Doctoral research assistant positions. The projects are on 3D printing, automated mushroom harvesting and optimization, climate-smart agricultural automation, and algae production. To apply, contact Dr. Weihang Zhu: with resumes and unofficial transcripts. Also accepting outstanding BS to go into Ph.D. program directly.  



Most of the postings below are not on Handshake. If you see something of interest – APPLY.  

Analog Devices, Inc.  

Facilities Mechanical Engineering Intern  

City of Corvallis  

Student Videographer - Contract: $1000- $1500, paid upon completion of project. Send application materials below to  | Application Review: Begins April 1.  

Project Timeline: April 30- July 1. Responsibilities: 1) Create needed video content (~ 45-60 minutes duration); 2) Provide project direction for the shooting and editing process; 3 Assist staff with planning and management of project timelines. Requirements: 1) Completed courses in multimedia courses in video production; 2) Time management and organizational skills; 3) Excellent communication skills. Application Procedure: 1) Cover letter describing your interest, experience, and qualifications related to the project; 2)  Resume; 3) One letter of recommendation from an academic advisor or faculty member.  

Climate Corps 

            Program Coordinator 



Fast Enterprises  

              Lots of openings 

HP       Internship/new grad openings 

             Cloud Service Developer Intern (Vancouver, WA) 

             Print Summer 2023 Electrical Engineer Internship (Boise, ID) 

             Print Summer 2023 Computer Science Internships (Boise, ID) 

Print Summer 2023 Engineering Internships (Corvallis, OR) 

MEMS Process Engineer 

MEMS Process Engineer – Visual Inspection 

Process Engineer  

Visual Inspection Engineer  

Device Engineer 

IC Test Engineer 

Device Packaging Engineer. 

Intel What interns say | Resume tips | Intel Careers Website: 


             Undergraduate Internship - Electrical Engineering (Bachelors JR0239507)        

Undergraduate Internship - Computer Engineering (Bachelors JR0239512) 

Undergraduate Internship - Computer Science (Bachelors JR0239517) 

Undergraduate Internship - Materials Science  (Bachelors JR0239538)                           

MS/PHD INTERNSHIPS                                         

Construction (Tool Install) EE Graduate Intern             

Graduate Internship - Electrical Engineering (MS/PHD JR0239508)          

Graduate Internship - Computer Engineering (MS/PHD JR0239513)          

Graduate Internship - Computer Science (MS/PHD JR0239518)                                                         

Graduate Internship - Materials Science (MS/PHD JR0239539)     

BS/MS/PHD FULL-TIME JOBS                                                                     

             2023 College Graduate - Electrical Engineering – Bachelors (JR0239509) 

2023 College Graduate - Electrical Engineering – Masters (JR0239510)         

2023 College Graduate - Electrical Engineering – PhD (JR0239511)              

2023 College Graduate - Computer Engineering – Bachelors (JR0239514)                                         

2023 College Graduate - Computer Engineering – Masters (JR0239515)                                    

2023 College Graduate - Computer Engineering – PhD (JR0239516)                            

2023 College Graduate - Computer Science - Bachelors       (JR0239519)                                                      

2023 College Graduate - Computer Science – Masters (JR0239520)                                          

2023 College Graduate - Computer Science – PhD (JR0239521)        

2023 College Graduate - Materials Science (BS/MS JR0239540) 

2023 College Graduate- Materials Science (PhD JR0239541)                                                   

KCL Engineering 

             EE Internships (Eugene) 

Naval Nuclear Lab - US Citizenship required. Apply online. Applications accepted March 17 - April 14. 

Internships + Co-Ops + Jobs  

NVIDIA | Job Descriptions:  

Apply here: 

Open Dental 

Network Engineer (Salem, OR) 

Oregon State University  

Cascades Campus | Engineering Intern - View posting on Handshake 

Institutional Analytics and Reporting Student Developer  

Branch Experiment Stations Research Internship Program | Research Internship Program  


            Multiple openings in IT 

Palo Alto 

            Software Engineering Intern (Eugene, OR) 

Pepsi PepsiCo Supply Chain Intern 

PepsiCo Supply Chain Associate 


            Silicon Validation Engineer  

Thermo Fisher Scientific 

Sustaining Engineer Intern (Marietta, OH) 


Connect on LinkedIn   

All EECS students are invited to join our EECS LinkedIn community! We are over 3000 members and growing. Join us at 

Go Beavs!    

Tina Batten | Corporate Relations   

School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science   

Oregon State University