Webinar Monday: Tektronix
Dec. 12 @ noon | Zoom
Monday after finals, Tektronix is holding a special virtual event, just for Oregon State students. Presentation, followed by an ask-me-anything session.
Course Announcement
CS446/546 ("Networks in computational biology") will be offered Winter 2023 (MW 4:00-5:20 PM), taught by Prof. Stephen Ramsey. See lab.saramsey.org/csx46 for more information.
If you are looking for an internship or a in job in the next 12-months, start your search now.
EECS Portal | Calendar | Handshake | Engineering SEE HUB | Engineering Career Center
Virtual Info Session - MS/MEng Graduate Program @ University of Michigan
Wednesday, December 14, Noon-1:00 | Visit website | RSVP
Michigan ECE offers three graduate degrees: PhD, MEng, and MS. The PhD application is due December 15, 2022. MEng and MS applications are due January 15, 2023.
Virtual Info Session - MS ECE Graduate Program @ University of Washington, Seattle
Deadline: Dec. 15 | Website | Questions: grad@ece.uw.edu
Work with world-class ECE faculty and learn a skill-building curriculum while you get your MS ECE. Diverse applicants from ECE, computer science, math, physics and other disciplines welcome. Application waivers available for those who qualify. If you have any questions about eligibility, email grad@ece.uw.edu or attend prospective student hours posted on our department calendar.
METEOR (Mentored Opportunity in Research Postdoctoral Fellowship Program) @ MIT CSAIL
Website | Application Date: Feb. 1
The METEOR postdoctoral fellowship will support exceptional researchers from groups historically underrepresented in the field. US citizen, permanent resident or DACA required.
Most of the postings below are not on Handshake. If you see something of interest APPLY.
AccessComputing The Alliance for Access to Computing Careers provides mentoring and opportunities to disabled students. We define "disability" broadly and recognize invisible disabilities.
Research Experiences for Undergraduates
Affinipay Email Scott Hung for details or referral: scott.hung@mycase.com
Amentum (Richland, WA)
Maintenance Work Control Intern
Plant Engineer Mechanical or Electrical
Plant Engineer Instrumentation & Controls
2023 Summer Innovative Solutions Electrical Engineer Intern
2023 Summer Data Analytics/Data Science Intern
2023 Summer Info. Technology Business Analyst, Cyber, Project Mgmt. Intern
2023 Associate/Entry-Level Electrical Engineer/Engineering Development Program
Blattner Electrical Field Construction Coordinator Intern
Electrical Field Construction Coordinator
Bonneville Power Administration
Markets and delivers carbon-free federal hydropower across a vast high-voltage transmission grid in the Pacific Northwest. Hiring CS + ECE. Virtual Booth
Pro Tip: If you will be in school next year, apply as a student trainee. Seniors - look at the recent grad program or GS level 7. If you have BS and are pursuing a MS/PhD, look into the recent grad program (GS 9) positions.
Where to apply: USAjobs.gov USAJOBS - Search
Application Deadline: Dec. 8
Student Trainee - Electrical Engineering, GS-0899-04 (Multiple Locations)
Student Trainee - Electronics Engineering, GS-0899-04 (Multiple Locations)
Student Trainee - Realty Specialist, GS-1199-04 (Portland, OR)
Student Trainee - Natural Resources Specialist, GS-0499-04 (Multiple Locations)
Recent Graduate - Electrical Engineer (non-field), GS-0850-07/09 (Multiple Locations)
Recent Graduate - Electrical Engineer (field), GS-0850-07/09 (Multiple Locations)
Recent Graduate - Electronics Engineer (Non-Field), GS-0855-07/09 (Multiple Locations)
Recent Graduate - IT Specialist, GS-2210-07/09 (Vancouver, WA)
Recent Graduate - Program Analyst, GS-0343-09 (Vancouver, WA)
Recent Graduate - Public Utilities Specialist (Rates), GS 1130-09 (Vancouver, WA)
Brown University
Summer 2023 NSF REU: Artificial Intelligence for Computational Creativity Deadline Feb. 1
City of Corvallis Email Jeff Lane
Associate IS Analyst/IS Analyst
Fast Enterprises
FedEx Internships & Full-time jobs
Intel What interns say | Resume tips | Apply
Six-month contract Test Software Engineer position available. For new grads and interns. What you will do: 1) Work from Intel's Hillsboro office on a CPU aging software development project; 2) Coordinate between multiple teams, communicating API errors, performance issues, and other critical information for development; 3) Create test and deployment scripts for system wide integration between a client service and its cloud visualization counterpart; 4) Continually test a cloud-based service from a user perspective. What we are looking for: 1) BS or MS in CS or a related field; 2) Excellent communication skills (verbal and written) with experience presenting technical solutions, products, and services; 3) Ability to design and architect distributed data systems; 4) Comfortable writing production-ready code in Python. Contract is renewable after the initial 6-month phase. Interested applicants please send resume to: huaping.liu@gmail.com
Undergraduate Internships
Graduate Internships (MS/PhD)
Full-Time Jobs
KCL Engineering
EE Internships (Eugene)
Lawrence Livermore National Lab
Data Scientist Entry Level (Remote)
McKinley Paper
Handshake link: Process Engineering Internship (Port Angeles, WA) Questions - email Kecia Gilliam
Naval Nuclear Laboratory ALUM HIRING Questions email Daniel Heinlein
New in Career - Power Plant Electrical Systems Engineers
Electrical, Computer, Software Engineer Entry Level
Robot Assembly Technician: https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Nova-Dynamics-1/jobs
Onsemi - CORVALLIS ALUM HIRING. Email Barry Vanhoff after applying.
Watch their Webinar Wednesday
Oregon State University
Center for Applied Systems and Software (CASS) (On-campus or Remote)
College of Business Instructors teach python and tableau winter term. Future work might include database management and data/text mining. For details, email CV and cover letter to Prof. Bin Zhu.
PhD Graduate Research Assistant machine learning and signal processing Asst. Prof. Xiao Fus group is hiring.
College of Engineering Peer Tutor - Student Job Deadline Dec. 31
Engineering Community Lab - As part of an NSF funded pilot program on reimagining engineering education, the lab seeks engineering student volunteers for a peer-tutoring pilot project (3-5hrs/week) beginning January 2023. Contact Professors Devlin Montfort or Sharyn Clough . The lab offers: 1) free training in critical engineering community skills, including conflict resolution, leadership, team-building, and life skills; 2) a chance to use the latest VR equipment both as part of your tutor training and just for fun; 3) experience as a peer-tutor, working to engineer a new community, under the supervision of faculty whose research focuses on reimagining engineering education; 4) the chance to design an interactive story-telling feature of the tutor training; 5) periodic hangouts (both virtual and in person) with recent OSU engineering alums who have had similar training; 6) a chance to intern for 5-10 hrs/week with a local educational tech start-upthe Peace Literacy Institute (PLI)with a mission to save the world (for real) using VR. Requirements: 1) applying computer programming skills in 3D modeling and animation, experience with Unity HLSL Shaders (Shader Graph works fine) is a plus, while working alongside an experienced and award-winning VR developer; 2) learning from/with PLI founder and Executive Director Paul K. Chappell, a veteran and peace educator, who graduated from West Point (the countrys first engineering college) with a minor in engineering, and experience working at DARPA; 3) providing feedback and creative input in the tutor training materials you are using, to help the next cohort.
Multiple internships - Deadline Dec. 31
Reliable Robotics Watch the video
Test Automation Engineer (Summer 2023 Internship)
Software Engineer (Internal Tools)
Flight Software Engineering (Winter/Spring 2023 internship)
Electrical Engineer (Summer 2023 Internship)
Powin Energy
Software Engineering Internship
Multiple openings & Internships. To apply email resume and cover letter to acrouch@symbotic.com or CampusRecruiting@Symbotic.com.
Tektronix | Teks virtual booth.
General Engineering Intern
Remote Web Operations Intern
Remote Product Manager Intern
Software Design Engineer Beaverton, OR.
Metrology Intern
Process Engineering Intern
Product Marketing Intern
Mainstream Engineering Intern
US Army Corps of Engineers
Vanderbilt Institute for Nanoscale Science and Engineering
Research Experience for Undergraduates
Vet Source
Whitman College
Assistant or Associate Professor of Computer Science -Deadline, Dec. 12
Connect on LinkedIn
All EECS students are invited to join our EECS LinkedIn community! We are over 3000 members and growing. Join us at http://www.linkedin.com/groups/136054/
Go Beavs!
Tina Batten | Corporate Relations
School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Oregon State University