Welcome to fall term!
The EECS advising team is excited to partner with you on your academic journey. Your academic advisor can help you find resources and provide guidance as you progress through
the program.
Due to continued growth in the EECS programs,
we have updated our advisor assignments effective fall term. This means your primary advisor has likely changed. You can find your primary academic advisor by checking your MyDegrees Profile or by visiting the
EECS Appointment Scheduling website. We are in the process of updating the advisor information in your BeaverHub profile.
We realize that changing advisors can be disruptive. Therefore, you are welcome to continue meeting with your previous EECS advisor if that is your preference.
Advising appointments are currently being scheduled through the EECS Appointment Scheduling website. We will announce when appointments can be scheduled through your BeaverHub
We are offering
Extended Drop-in advising hours this week. Please come see us if you need help with your fall term schedule.
Advising Team
School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Advising
Oregon State University
1148 Kelley Engineering Center
Office Phone: 541-737-3617
Need to speak to an advisor today? Check-out our
drop-in advising hours