Dear Cybersecurity Students,
As you may be aware, CS 373 will not be offered on the Corvallis campus this academic year. It is available through Ecampus and is planned to be offered on the Corvallis campus in winter 2025.
Due to the fact that CS 373 is not being offered through the Corvallis campus, we have approved an alternative Corvallis campus course listed below. This alternative course is available to Corvallis campus, Cybersecurity students who are
on track to graduate by the end of fall 2024. The alternative course is being offered in winter 2024. Cybersecurity students can still use the Ecampus CS 373 to cover the CS 373 requirement.
TR 2PM-3:50PM.
Please complete the follow steps if you want to use the CS 499 course to cover your CS 373 requirement.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Advising Team
School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Advising
Oregon State University
1148 Kelley Engineering Center
Office Phone: 541-737-3617
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