Hello EECS Students,
We have a new professor starting this fall. Dr. Renato Figueiredo. He will be offering a new special topics course “Principles of Computer System Design”. Details are below
and more details can be found in the attached syllabus. For approval to register, please contact the professor!
Course Description
This class provides a broad introduction to the main principles and abstractions for engineering hardware and software systems, and in-depth
studies of their use on computer systems across a variety of designs, be it in operating system, a client/server application, a database server, or a fault-tolerant disk cluster. This is a 3-credit course.
Course Pre-Requisites / Co-Requisites
Digital design; introduction to programming or data structures/algorithms or instructor approval. Programming in a high-level language
Course Objectives
The design of hardware and software in computer systems ranging from personal devices to large-scale distributed, networked computers is
an increasingly complex undertaking and requires understanding not only of individual sub-systems, such as the micro-processor, but also the interactions among sub-systems. This class
provides a broad introduction to the main principles and abstractions for engineering computer systems, and in-depth studies of their use
on computer systems across a variety of designs, be it an operating system, a client/server application, a database server, or a fault-tolerant disk cluster. Design/programming assignments and a project will be assigned in this class. These entail an exploration
of a topic related to the design of a computer system through implementation of a prototype. The assignments and project will require significant software programming using the Python high-level language.
Have a wonderful summer!
Sherry Barrett
& Assessment Assistant
Research Center Program Assistant
School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Oregon State University
1148 Kelley Engineering Center
Office Phone: 541-737-5556