We're starting a weekly meetup for folks interested in security and privacy here at OSU. The idea is to build a community of faculty and students interested in these areas. As part of this, we intend to host research seminars, discussions, paper writing sessions,
conference and workshop practice talks and even social events! If you have any interest in topics related to security/privacy (broadly defined) then please attend.
You can also find us on Keybase [kinda like slack but better :)]. Create an account on Keybase and then request to join the following team: osucybersec [also found at:https://keybase.io/team/osucybersec]
I would recommend joining the Keybase team since that’s where we will post our most up to date event notifications. Also you can connect with others and discuss sub topics that you care about.
This first meeting the security faculty will give a brief overview of their work and then we can have an informal meet and greet for everyone. Also, let us know if you have any suggestions for the weekly meetup.
We look forward to seeing y’all there!
Sibin Mohan.
Associate Professor
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Oregon State University