Hello EECS Students!
We have a new professor joining us this fall. Dr. Renato Figueiredo will be offering a new course:
Principles of Computer Systems Design. This will be a 4 credit course and is already on the schedule of classes. If you are interested in taking the course, please email Dr. Figueiredo for permission.
Course Description:
The design of hardware and software in computer systems ranging from personal devices to large-scale distributed, networked computers is an increasingly complex undertaking
and requires understanding not only of individual sub-systems, such as the micro-processor, but also the interactions among sub-systems. This class provides a broad introduction to the main principles and abstractions for engineering computer systems, and
in-depth studies of their use on computer systems across a variety of designs, be it an operating system, a client/server application, a database server, or a fault-tolerant disk cluster. Design/programming assignments and a project will be assigned in this
class. These entail an exploration of a topic related to the design of a computer system through implementation of a prototype. The assignments and project will require significant software programming using the Python high-level language.
Happy Summer!
Sherry Barrett
& Assessment Assistant
Research Center Program Assistant
School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Oregon State University
1148 Kelley Engineering Center
Office Phone: 541-737-5556