Dear all,
Hope you are all having a great summer.
I would like to let you know about a senior level course to be offered in the fall term: ECE499/CS499 Statistical Signal Processing (MW12:00-1:50pm). In this course, I will teach fundamentals of statistical methods
that are essential for EECS students (detection, estimation, and statistical learning).
This course is targeted for two groups of students: (i) Engineering students interested in learning about statistical inference methods (including machine learning) and how they are applied to solve various problems, and (ii) CS students
(interested in machine learning) who want to learn about the classical detection and estimation theory and the statistical perspective of machine learning (note that ML is essentially about making a statistical inference).
The prerequisites include basic background in probability (ECE 353 or ST314) and familiarity with Python or MATLAB.
Please see the attached flyer for the detailed information. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.
Jinsub Kim
Jinsub Kim
Asst. Professor, School of EECS, Oregon State University
3011 Kelley Engineering Center, Corvallis, OR 97331
Email: / Tel.