Tuesday @ 2-4 | Johnson Plaza by KEC
Cookies and Clubs will be back in person! Over 40 engineering clubs will be present and looking for new students! Join in the Convocation afterwards.
Cyber Cup Challenge
Starts Tuesday |
Teams from High School, Community Colleges, Universities and Public- or Private-sector institutions in Oregon are invited to participate in the Oregon Cyber Cup Challenge,
hosted by the University of Oregon.
Sept. 29 @ Noon – 2 pm |
Registration Site |
Upload a Resume | Appointments go quickly.
Company days are an opportunity to have a quick 10-minute appointment with an employer. While not mandatory – consider applying to any internships/jobs that interest you
before the appointment. This will help give you more to discuss during your appointment.
Have you seen our calendar?
Watch the
EECS Google Calendar
for all the latest School events. Tech Talk Tuesdays,
Webinar Wednesdays
and EECS Networking Night
are back
Prepare for your future
Internships and job postings for June 2022 are beginning to open.
For best success, start your search early. It often takes 9-12 months to get hired.
Interns + hires wanted
For more opportunities visit
and the EECS Portal.
Data Engineer
Conversation Designer (Portland,
Junior Software Engineer (Portland,
Software Development Engineer I or II
(Portland, OR)
Cadwell (Kennewick, WA)
Cinder Validation Engineer
(Hillsboro, OR)
Mobile Engineer (Remote)
Dealer Spike
openings (Wilsonville, OR)
Web Developer (Eugene, OR)
Esri (Redlands, CA)
Facebook University for Analytics
Summer Internship - Opens Sept. 15
Garmin Software Engineer 1 –
Embedded C (Salem, OR)
MES Engineer 1
(San Diego, CA)
Intel (Beaverton/Hillsboro, OR) – Use the special Intel site for OSU when applying:
Micron ECE students -
Dram Product Engineer (Boise, ID) –
An alum is hiring
Opal DevOps Engineer
(Portland, OR)
Oregon State University
Racepoint Energy
Developer (React) – (Osterville, MA)
Reliable Robotics Multiple openings (Mountain View, CA)
Rigado Solutions Engineer
(Portland, OR)
SDVI (All positions remote)
Internship (Sparks, NV)
QA Analyst (Vancouver, WA)
Connect on LinkedIn
All EECS students are invited to join our EECS LinkedIn community! We are roughly 3000 members and growing.
Join us at
Go Beavs!
Tina Batten | Corporate Relations
School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Oregon State University