Hello EECS students!


The School of EECS is once again offering scholarships for students to travel to conferences in 2022! 

We hope to support between 7-15 students to attend each conference this year by providing funds for conference registration, travel & lodging.  Scholarship amounts will vary with travel prices.


This year we are supporting students to travel to one of two different conferences:

1. Grace Hopper Conference – September 20-23 in Orlando, FL

2. Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers National Conference – November 2-6 in Charlotte, NC



Any EECS student undergraduate or postbacc student who will be enrolled at least part-time in the Fall 2022 quarter is eligible to apply. 


Recipients must agree to participate in pre-conference events/sessions to prepare for the conference and prepare material to summarize your experiences after the conference.


How to Apply:

Use the following Qualtrics survey to apply for either conference scholarship: https://oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_brYN31ZLDzOMVYW


Deadline to apply is April 4th!


If you have questions regarding the conferences or scholarships, please contact calvin.hughes@oregonstate.edu


Calvin Hughes

Assistant Director of Graduate Programs

School of EECS

1148 Kelley Engineering Center

Corvallis, OR, 97333
