Hello Everyone,


Dr. Karthika Mohan is teaching an exciting new AI course this fall term!  Description and the link to the syllabus is below.


This is an Artificial Intelligence course offered by Dr. Karthika Mohan. This course starts with AI and probabilistic reasoning basics, highlighting probability theory's role in AI, especially in uncertain environments. Students then learn to model complex systems and make predictions using Bayesian Networks. The second half focuses on causal reasoning, which is essential for distinguishing correlation from causation and has applications in various fields such as machine learning, statistics, epidemiology and economics. Causal knowledge is key for creating accurate real-world models, informed decision-making and building ethical and responsible AI systems. It is extensively used in companies including but not limited to Microsoft, Amazon, Netflix and IBM and the field has been recognized by major awards such as Nobel Prize and Turing Award


You can find further details here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1L-ycgBUbIFKqB3c1c9C-KcBxYbxR4Blc4V2Le7E5unk/edit?usp=sharing


Sherry Barrett

Program & Assessment Assistant

Research Center Program Assistant

School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

Oregon State University | 1148 Kelley Engineering Center

Office Phone:  541-737-5556
