Dear Students,


As you may have already heard, we are introducing a new on-campus course starting in fall 2022: CS/ECE 404 – PATHWAYS IN EECS (see attached flyer). This one-credit course will focus on career development and can be used towards your degree requirements. Please check with an EECS advisor to see how this course could apply to your requirements.


CS students should register for CS 404 (CRN 20316). ECE students should register for ECE 404 (CRN 20319).


Course: CS/ECE 404

Title: Pathways in EECS

Credits: 1

Grading Basis: A-F

Day: F

Time: 3-3:50pm

Campus: Corvallis




Advising Team

School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Advising

Oregon State University | 1148 Kelley Engineering Center

Office Phone:  541-737-3617