Hope your finals went well! Just a reminder some of these internships and job openings close this weekend.



Explore your resources: EECS Portal | EECS Career Events

Absci | AI Scientist, Deep Learning | Vancouver, WA

ADI | Net Zero Engineering Intern | Beaverton, OR

Amentum | Plant Engineering Intern | Richland, WA

Ampere | Technical Interns | Various Locations

Apple | Hardware Technology Internships | Oregon

Apple | Software and Services | Oregon

Apple | Software Engineer, System Services & Daemons | Oregon

Apple |  Beaverton Internships

ASRC Federal | Test and Evaluation Workforce Accelerator Internship – US Citizens | Reston, VA

Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)

BPA | Student Trainee (Electrical Engineer) | Deadline 12/16/2023      

BPA | Student Trainee (Electrical Engineer) | Deadline 12/16/2023 

BPA | Electrical Engineer – Non-Field | Deadline 12/16/2023   

BPA | Electrical Engineer – Field | Deadline 12/16/2023      

BPA | Electronics Engineer – Non-Field | Deadline 12/16/2023

BPA | Electronics Engineer – Field | Deadline 12/16/2023

BPA | IT Specialist | Deadline 12/16/2023

BPA | Public Utility Specialist | Deadline 12/16/2023

Blattner Energy | Field Engineering Intern

Cal-Poly | Assistant Professor - Computer Science and Software Engineering | San Luis Obispo, CA

Carrier | Test and Validation Engineer | Derry, NH

Carrier | Software Engineering Intern | Indianapolis, IA

Carrier | Software Engineering Internship – Digital Foundry | Atlanta, GA

CBT Nuggets | Adept Software Engineer | Remote

Garmin | Mobile Developer 1 – Android | Boulder, CO

Garmin | Design Engineer 1, Electrical | Olathe, KS

Garmin | Software Engineering – Mobile | Yarmouth, ME

Garmin | Electrical Design Engineer Intern | Olathe, KS

Garmin | Software Engineer Intern – Web/Devops Development | Olathe, KS

Garmin | Design Certification Engineer 1 | Salem, OR

Garmin | Test Hardware Design Engineer 1 | Salem, OR

HP | Internships + Jobs

HRL Laboratories | Analog/Mixed-Signal IC Design Engineer | Malibu, CA

Hydrolix | C++ Developer | Portland, OR

Idaho National Laboratory | AI-Augmented Sorting Postdoc Research Associate | Deadline: Dec. 17

Microsoft | Silicon Engineering: Internship Opportunities

Naval Nuclear Lab | Entry Level Electrical Engineer | Idaho Falls, ID
Naval Nuclear Lab | Associate Engineer Multi-Disciplined | Idaho Falls, ID

Naval Nuclear Lab | Entry Level Electrical Field Engineer in Training (2423) | Niskayuna, NY
NVIDIA | ASIC Low Power Design Engineer | Santa Clara, CA

NVIDIA | ASIC Design Engineer | Santa Clara, CA

NVIDIA | Accelerated Computing Architect | Santa Clara, CA

OpenSesame | DevOps Engineer  

Oregon State University | Assistant Professor: Geometry/Engineering | Corvallis

Oregon State University | Research Assistant | Corvallis

Oregon State University – Prototype Development Lab | Work with ME students to develop prototypes. See the PDL website: pdl.oregonstate.edu for details about the lab. Looking for Junior, Senior, or graduate student with 3.0 GPA or more. Interest in developing hardware and/or software for prototypes Email resume/CV and cover letter to Prof. John Parmigiani

PacifiCorp | Engineer | Bend, OR

PacifiCorp | Distribution System Engineer | Albany, OR

Precision Castparts Corp | Cybersecurity Specialist | Remote: Bachelor's in relevant field and/or 2 years' work experience. Email CV and cover letter to Dan Vickery: dvickery@precastcorp.com

Reliable Robotics | Electrical Engineer (Summer Internship) | Mountain View, CA

Reliable Robotics | Electrical Engineer (Summer Internship) | Mountain View, CA

Second Order Effects | Electrical Engineering Intern | Redmond, WA

Siemens | Genesis Program: Associate Consultant - Services Track | Multiple 

Thermo Fisher Scientific | (Handshake) Coop Intern Engineer Spring/summer | Hillsboro, OR

Thermo Fisher Scientific | (Handshake) Coop Intern Engineer Spring/summer

University of Houston | Asst./Assoc. Professor Applied AI and Large-Scale ML | Houston, TX

Vacasa | IT Support Specialist | Portland, OR


Happy winter break! Go Beavs!

Tina Batten | Corporate Relations

School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

Oregon State University