Calling all EECS Students!
Looking for a 1 credit course to fulfill those credit requirements? Look no further. Pathways to EECS is a great course offered to our students. Below you will find a
description of the course and the content as well as the link to the syllabus!
Syllabus -
This non-traditional class covers a broad range of topics to help prepare you for a career in EECS. We explore the many ways an EECS degree
gets used, how to market yourself to prospective employers, how to prepare for a job interview, and more! This course features an exciting array of guest lecturers from the industry who will share their professional experience and life stories with you. Course
may be taken multiple times. Professional development and career guidance – counts toward degree requirements.
Week 1 - Class Goal Setting & Field Exploration
Class goals, 3 subfields of interest
Week 2 - OSU Experiences
Available resources, Club presentations, Elevator Pitches
Week 3 – Resumes
Resume Review, Online Portfolios, Interview prep
Week 4 - Meeting with Companies
Career Fair, Networking Night, Appearances
Week 5 – Interviews
Mock Interviews, Typical structure
Week 6 - Technical Communication
Mini research topic presentations
Week 7 - Ethics
Case studies, personal values vs. professional values
Week 8 - Job Goal Setting & Mentors
Goals, Mentor matchmaking
Week 9 - Skill Application
Week 10 - Reflection and the Future
5-year plan
Have a wonderful summer and we look forward to seeing you next year!
Sherry Barrett
& Assessment Assistant
CDADIC Program Assistant
School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Oregon State University
1148 Kelley Engineering Center
Office Phone: 541-737-5556