Special Technical Talk @ Webinar Wednesday  

Register by Tuesday @ 7 pm | Event: Wednesday @ noon-1 pm | Website 

Dr. Aaron Darnton presents "Underwater Fiber Optic Transducer." Dr. Darnton is the Chief Technical Officer at the Naval Underwater Warfare Center, Keyport Division will share a short tech talk. This organization located near Seattle, Washington and they are hiring. 


ICYMI – Rohde & Schwarz Engineering Competition 

Register now - Qualifiers start April 26-May 1 | Webinar | PowerPoint 

The annual competition is back. This year prizes include a paid trip to Germany and $$$$ cash prizes. 


Job Shadow Program – Virtual 

Website | Apply before May 2 | Free event: 1 day during summer term 

Explore an industry, organization or specific position during a full or half-day experience. Follow your host(s) through their daily activities and learn what it’s like to work in that field. This a free and unpaid experience. 

Connect on LinkedIn 

All EECS students are invited to join our LinkedIn community! We are over 2000 members and growing. Join us at http://www.linkedin.com/groups/136054/ 


Internships & Jobs  

If you are looking for an internship or a job in the next 12-months, remember to visit these resources for additional information: 1) EECS Portal, 2) SEE Hub and 3) Handshake. Also consider making an appointment with the College of Engineering Career Development Center team. 

Also hiring: 

Software Engineer Graduate Intern (JR0149280) 
Packaging Research and Development Graduate Intern (JR0158906) 
Software Engineer Graduate Intern (JR0159004) 
Metrology Engineer Graduate Intern (JR0160905) 
AI Machine/Deep Learning Graduate Intern (JR0161494) 
Application Engineer Graduate Intern (JR0161561) 
Packaging Research and Development Graduate Intern (JR0162033) 
FPGA Validation Engineer Intern (JR0164411) 
Hardware Validation Engineer Undergraduate Intern (JR0153830) 
STTD Software Development Intern (JR0162079) 
Test Engineer Intern (Part-time) (JR0163497) 
Package Design Undergrad Intern (JR0164685) 

Go Beavs!  

Tina Batten Corporate Relations 

School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science 

Oregon State University