Webinar Wednesday – Scope out your future  

Register for Jan. 26 | Website 

Cathryn Schofield – University Programs Manager at Tektronix is presenting. Tektronix has a number of openings – both internships and full-time jobs open for CS and ECE students.  


Thursday ACM-W hosts data engineering and analytics panel  

Jan. 27 @ 5:00 – 6:00 | Register Now  

Join ACM-W for a special virtual panel with representatives from Meta geared towards answering questions about working in the field of Data Engineering and Analytics – a growing field! Our panelists include 1) Erika Clemens - Data Engineering, Analytics @ Meta and 2) Olivia Harman - Manager, Data Engineering @ Instagram. 


Engineering Student Council (ESC) - Info Session for Upcoming Elections 

Jan. 27 @ 6 pm | KEC 1003 | Questions  

The ESC is a student- run organization comprised of two groups – 1) the student advisory board and 2) the club board. The student advisory board aims to provide student voice in administrative conversations. The club board focuses on overseeing the 50+ student organizations within COE. During Week 6 ESC elections will be taking place for a number of leadership roles. This is a great opportunity to get involved, meet new people and develop your skills. And students who are a part of the team receive a stipend! Elections are Week 6 on Thursday at 6 pm during the General Body Meeting with the clubs. Join us to learn more. 


Friday Cocoa and Clubs  

Jan. 28 @ Noon – 2:00 | KEC Atrium | Remote: Join Discord server during event | Questions  

Come grab hot cocoa and meet with over 25 clubs within the College of Engineering! This event is organized by the Engineering Student Council – just for engineering students. Participating clubs are actively looking for new members and would be excited to have you join! 


ACM ICPC Competition, PacNW Regional 

Saturday, March 5 | For more details – Join ACM via Website | Email ACM  

Compete in teams of three against teams from other colleges in the Pacific Northwest in solving coding puzzle problems like you'd see in a technical interview. Open to all skill levels, with beginner and advanced divisions. Have fun with fellow students while brushing up on interview skills! Join ACM to learn more. 


Share Your Thoughts – and You Might Win! 

Complete the survey - be entered into raffle for two $10 gift cards  

The Engineering Student Council is a student-run organization working to coordinate and support the activities of engineering student organizations. They promote student voice and are gathering feedback from students on how the School of EECS is meeting student needs. Feedback collected in this anonymous survey and will help the ESC Student Advisory Board better understand student concerns in order to address them. Two $10 gift cards will be raffled off to participants. 


Interns + hires wanted 

EECS Portal | Calendar | Job Search | Handshake | Engineering SEE HUB 

Finding an internship or job typically takes time and planning. Feeling overwhelmed or struggling with your employment search? Consider making an appointment with a Career Advisor.  


Agility Robotics Multiple openings  

Alaska Center for Energy and Power @ University of Alaska – Fairbanks 

Summer Internship - Deadline Feb. 10 

Apple   Software Engineering Internship (Santa Clara Valley, CA)  

ARPA   Technology-to-market summer scholars  

Biosero Internship - Summer (San Diego, CA) 

CID Bio-Science Embedded Systems Development – Electrical schematic design, PCB layout, software/firmware development for design implementation, and prototype product builds in collaboration with quality assurance staff and production staff. Must work well with managers and peer engineers and technicians. Able to design full electronic device schematics and PCB layouts including power management, clock signals & data transfers approaching GHz speeds, using Altium Designer. Able to create clear, well documented and performing software for handheld electronic devices, in Assembly, C, C++, C#, and Python. Basic understanding of modern technologies including MPU’s particularly Cortex MSeries, RTOS, Sensors, wireless communications. Able to debug existing circuits and research replacements for obsolete or unavailable components. BSEE, BSCS or degree candidate in same or comparable program. Position may be full or part time. Send resume to Michael Pliska, Director of Engineering. 

College of the Redwoods 

Assistant Professor, Computer Information Systems. Application and more at www.redwoods.edu/hrDeadline Feb. 6 

CUNY Visualization and Virtual Reality Lab  

VR-REU: Research Experience for Undergraduates in Immersive 3D Visualization – Feb. 18 

Department of Energy Omni Technology Alliance Internship Program 

             InternshipsDeadline Feb. 17 

Florida Atlantic University  

REUDeadline March 8 

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sianai – Ma’ayan Laboratory, Computational Systems Biology 

             Summer Research Program in Biomedical Big Data ScienceDeadline Feb. 1 

Internet of Things for Precision Agriculture               

Summer Research for Undergraduate Experience (REU)Deadline Feb. 15 

Michigan State University College of Natural Science  

Advanced Computational Research ExperienceDeadline Feb. 4  

MIT       Postdoctoral Fellowship Program at MIT’s Computer Science and AI Lab (CSAIL) 

             Research Experience for Undergraduates – Deadline Feb. 1 

Morrow County, Oregon 

             Summer Internship Program 

Oden Institute for Computational Engineering & Sciences 

Moncrief Undergraduate Summer Internship Program – Deadline Feb. 1 

NVIDIA Systems Engineer (Hillsboro, OR)  

Okta     Multiple openings 

Oregon State University  

             Center for Applied Systems and Software DeveloperDeadline March 1 

             CoRIS Web Support AssistantDeadline Feb. 8 

Energy Data Project Interns @ Office of SustainabilityDeadline Feb. 6 

College of Engineering Web Support Assistant - Deadline June 30 

Research project (paid student job) | Prof. Leigh Torres’ Group | Project | Project Description: We study gray whale foraging ecology (where, how, and what whales eat). While on survey in our boat looking for whales and when with whales at sightings, we have a depth sounder running in the boat that provides depth and echoes of backscatter that reflect zooplankton prey in the water column (often zooplankton that the whales eat). We record these echo data and save the daily files. I would like to work with a student to quantify the amount of zooplankton at each whale sighting by “summarizing” the echo data. These echosounder files have an .RSD extension, which we have collected every year since 2016, for about 30 days every year. These files need to be imported into Matlab or R, and then analyzed, quantified and compared. 

Undergraduate CS/Math Research Contractor 

Qualified assistance needed for update of the Laboratory for Robotics and Applied Mechanics’ robotics research codebase. Some original design assumptions are no longer valid, requiring new platform architecture and mathematical generalizations. This position will involve collaboration with a current graduate student, improving contractor understanding and ensuring future platform use. 

Required Skills / Courses: 

 - Linear Algebra 

 - Differential Equations 

 - Application/software development 

 - MATLAB (previous experience desired, but not absolutely necessary; in this case, student is expected to learn on the job) 

Involved mathematics: 

 - Learning/Application of abstract algebra through the use of Lie Groups 

 - Numerical methods for function evaluation, differentiation, and integration 

 - Extension of 2D methods to higher dimensions 

Involved CS: 

 - Strong modularization choices for existing and future code 

 - Documentation with the intention of future use 

 - Testing framework / code coverage with future stability in mind 

 Send Resume/CV and relevant course list to Capprin Bass. Also include any additional interest in research, whether related to robotics, mathematics, or computer science. 


             Associate Software Developer 

Rosetta Commons  

Research Experience for Undergraduates Deadline Feb. 1 


Research Experience for Undergraduates in Imaging SciencesDeadline Feb. 1 

Very Good Ventures     

Multiple openings  

Wayne State University  

             NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates – Summer Academy in Sustainable Manufacturing– Deadline March 8 


Connect on LinkedIn 

All EECS students are invited to join our EECS LinkedIn community! We are roughly 3000 members and growing. Join us at http://www.linkedin.com/groups/136054/ 


Go Beavs!  

Tina Batten Corporate Relations 

School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science 

Oregon State University