CoE HPC News, October 14 2022 Edition: Workshop, HPC Portal apps

HPCC users, Please check out the latest HPC cluster news below. Intro to HPC Workshop I will be holding an HPC workshop over Zoom, covering the basics of using the CoE HPC cluster next week at the following date and times: Wednesday, October 19 @3pm Thursday, October 20 @4pm If you are interested in attending this workshop, please let me know which session works best for you. New STAR-CCM+ app STAR-CCM+ has been added to the list of interactive apps on the HPC portal. If anyone has any problems using it, let me know. You can check out the HPC portal here:<> Updated Jupyter Server app Previously the Jupyter Server app allowed you to activate your own python virtual environment and conda installation, but could not activate an environment created using conda. The Jupyter Server app on the HPC portal has now been further improved to allow your own conda environment. If anybody has any problems using this app, let me know. New Software installs Here is a list of recent software installs: Python 3.10 GCC 12.2 Mathematica 13.1 Matlab 2022b with Parallel Server. If anybody is interested in using Matlab Parallel Server, please contact me. The software listed above can be accessed through the modules system, type “module avail” to see what is available. For the latest cluster news and status updates, check out the link below:<> Have a nice weekend! Rob Yelle HPC Manager
participants (1)
Yelle, Robert Brian